Thursday, December 15, 2011

Assignment 20?

The other night I was facebook stalking like crazy, trying to forget the fact that I had many finals that needed to be studied for, and realized that a good deal of my facebook friends have blogs. Now, not to slight my friends in any way, but, well, I don’t exactly think a lot of them are the sorts of people that have terribly interesting things to say. Okay, so I’m definitely slighting them. But I think sort of cruel things like that all of the time. The only reason they’re still my friends is because I never give voice to those thoughts. But hey, they’re probably never going to see this so I can say whatever I want! Anyway, my point is that a lot of pretty boring people out there have blogs and if they can do it, I want to see if I can too. Not that I’m saying I’m exciting or anything. I’m just maybe a step or two more entertaining than the average bear. 
The name of this blog is not some obscure, esoteric bit of information that only the most sophisticated and educated of people could possibly understand; No, it’s not that at all. It’s simply a veiled reference to the fact that I am 20 years old and this is the assignment I have given myself: to write this blog in the hope that whatever wit I may possess will be enjoyed by a few other people with good senses of humor.
All of the time I think of the most hilarious things and never have anybody to share it with. Well, now I get to share it with you! Aren’t you so excited? Yeah, I would be too if I didn’t already get to live with the awesomeness that is me every single second of every single day for the rest of my life. Oh God, on second thought that isn’t so awesome. I know how bad I can smell at times, and I tend to get cranky when not well rested, I’m always hungry and need feeding. Geez, I’m like a baby. And I have to live with myself for the rest of my life? Great.
Well, hopefully I’ll keep this whole posting entertaining words for the world to enjoy thing up. If it turns out that I really am as lazy as my peewee soccer coach told me, then I definitely won’t. If that is the case, then I’m sorry you’ve read even this far because there will be no more entertainment to come. But my peewee soccer coach was an asshole. Who the hell makes seven year old girls run laps for giggling? Isn’t that all seven year old girls do? Anyway, I’ll try my hardest to prove him wrong by continuing to post.
Have fun with life.    


  1. lmao all of these posts are excellent, I hope you really do decide to continue posting.

  2. Hey, thanks for the encouragement. Somehow I managed to lose all of my log-in information and was unable to post for quite some time. But I've got it all figured it out now and hopefully I'll keep the posts coming.
