Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Dog's Life

I’ve often wondered what it would be like to live a day in the life of a dog. On the surface it seems like it would be a very relaxing way to spend the day. My dog occupies the majority of his time with sleeping, eating, and being petted. I don’t think there is any human being who can claim that. Well, other than Hugh Hefner. But he pays those girls to do that. My dog gets to do those things because he, unlike Hef, is loved by the people around him. But when I look beneath the surface, I’m not so sure that a dog’s life is as idyllic as we often are led to believe.
First of all, think of all of the things people do in front of their dogs that they wouldn’t do in front of other people. They walk around naked, fart, burp, pick their noses, and sing stupid songs to them. Some people will use the bathroom even if the dog is in it and others will even engage in intimate sexual activity while their dog sits on the floor and watches. Now, granted, dogs would do these things in front of us as well. But it’s far cuter when they do it than when humans do. Go ahead and look at this picture and then try to tell me that a pooping dog can't be cute. There's no denying that that puppy is cute, but have you ever called a man taking a massive dump cute? No, I didn't think so.
Plus think of how boring it must be to be a dog. They sit around without any mental stimulation all day long. It’s no wonder they bark like crazy whenever they see anything outside. I would too if the most exciting part of my day was getting my belly rubbed for a few minutes. Although it would be nice if somebody would rub my belly, nobody does right now. Okay, so there may be some benefits to being a dog. You don’t really ever have to worry about anything, other than whether or not your own crotch tastes good, and you get room and board for free. Of course, that is assuming that you’re a dog with a home. Stray dogs are another matter entirely. I don’t think anybody would ever want to be a stray dog. Although this dog might not mind leaving its owners for a life on the streets.
Just remember the next time you want to strangle Fido for barking like crazy at the squirrel in the yard that seeing that squirrel is probably as entertaining for him as watching Avatar is for you. And if you’re one of those snobby pricks who doesn’t like Avatar because it’s not “original” then go ahead and instead insert the name of that one offbeat indie film that you’re the only one enlightened enough to truly understand.



Friday, December 16, 2011

Old Wounds Still Hurt

I was recently placed in something of a moral dilemma. I had gone to dinner with my younger brother at the oh so classy Steak ‘n Shake in our hometown. As our waitress placed our menus before us, I realized that I knew her. I had gone to middle school with her many years ago.
      Now, as shocking as it may be, I was not exactly at the top of the social ladder of coolness back then, nor do I claim to be  now. But to get to the top of that ladder now would require me to be a top notch beer pong player, so I’m not super upset about it anymore, despite all of the imaginary scenarios I make up that involve me being admired, fawned over, and even worshiped by the entire campus. But back as a very unkempt and timid twelve year old, it did bother me. And one of the people who had bothered me the most was this girl who was now about to serve me my dinner. Let’s just say that my outward appearance left much to be desired back then, and she had made sure I realized that on a daily basis.
I was at first concerned that she would recognize me and say something. That was the last things that I wanted. Having to put on a false smile and make insignificant small talk with a girl who had helped to make my adolescent years miserable did not really appeal to me. Luckily, either my looks have changed enough that she didn’t recognize me or she had forgotten about me entirely. I choose to believe the former. I really hope I’ve increased in comeliness since my pimply, disheveled preteen days. Either way, she did not seem to know who I was. After she walked away I leaned across the table and whispered to my brother, “I went to school with that girl. She was a real bitch. What should I tip her?"
You see, I had realized that before me lay a golden opportunity for revenge. Every afterschool special that I have ever suffered through had told me that ultimately a time like this would come; a time where the bullies and the bullied would face each other in adulthood and the tables would be turned. The only problem with my situation was that I had this little thing, which often gets in the way of my pleasure, called a conscience. That, plus my brother told me I was being petty. When a sixteen year old boy who has to as much moral direction and fortitude as a stuffed animal tells you that you’re being petty, you probably are. He also had these words of wisdom: “Well, look where she’s ended up. I mean, she’s a waitress…. at Steak ‘n Shake…”
I have nothing against waitresses. I know that it’s a very respectable position both as part time and full time work. But I had to admit that my brother had a point. If she had become wildly successful in life, she probably would not have become a waitress, and I would have felt more justified in continuing to hate her. But as things were, she was a waitress, and I had to admit that she was a really good waitress at that. She was friendly, prompt, and thoughtful. She deftly walked the line between being neglectfully forgetful of us and being just plain annoying with dozens of stops at the table to repeatedly ask “can I get you anything?”.
The service had been very good and I was satisfied with my meal. I had no reason to give her a bad tip other than because of the hurtful things she had said as a young girl more than eight years ago. I was pretty stuck; there really was no other option. I had to leave her a good tip. So I did, and I abated my feelings of regret by telling myself that maybe, just maybe, she actually did remember who I was and when she saw the large tip I had left her, she would be wracked with remorse for what she had done in the past. She would see that I truly had always been the better person and decide to devote her life to seeing other good deeds happen in the world, and it would all be because I had decided to leave behind a twenty percent tip rather than the five percent one the evil side of me had been begging to leave.
As it turned out though, I don’t think it mattered in any way. I paid with my debit card and my brother with cash, so I didn’t leave my tip on the table. When my former foe came around to clear away our dirty dishes, she found a two dollar tip for a sixteen dollar meal. So, maybe she wouldn’t see that I had actually been the good tipper that I was, but I still knew that she would ultimately get that money I had added to my bill at the cash register. And that was enough to satisfy my conscience, which had been relentlessly nagging at me throughout the meal, much like Jiminy Cricket did to Pinocchio. The only difference was that Pinocchio could have easily crushed Jiminy and been free for the rest of his life, whereas I will never be able to get rid of that little voice that always reminds me when I’m about to be a major asshole.   

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Just Say ‘No’ to Automated Bathrooms

Automation is supposed to help make our lives easier, right? Automatic doors save us the hassle of having to actually extend our arms two feet to open the door ourselves, cars that can automatically parallel park themselves are a godsend to those of us who are woefully parking challenged, and automatic toothpaste dispensers always supply the perfect amount of paste thereby saving their owners a couple, nay, dozens of cents. But I have come to the conclusion that automation just does not belong in public restrooms.
            It was while at the movies with my brother that I came to this conclusion. As we were settling in to watch Hugo, which I will shamelessly plug here as a fantastic movie that everybody should go to see, I came to that awful realization that always seems to come at the most inconvenient of times: my bladder was quite uncomfortably full and needed immediate relief. So, I begrudgingly got up, leaving behind my $5.50 tub of popcorn that I knew my brother would immediately pounce upon and gorge himself with.  In any other circumstance I would have taken it with me, but you can’t eat food once it’s been in the bathroom. In your mind, even if not in reality, it becomes tainted by tiny pits of fecal matter that you just know fill the bathroom air.
            Once I had emptied my bladder and I had pulled my pants back up, I turned around only to realize that I had just urinated into a toilet that was supposed to have automatically flushed. The only problem was that it had not flushed when I had stood up. Well, I wasn’t just going to leave a toilet bowl full of my bodily fluids behind for anybody to see. The products of urination and defecation are a private matter between a girl and her toilet. Nobody else has the right to infringe on that privacy except, of course, for plumbers and the various creatures that live in the sewers, such as the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
Knowing I had to make the toilet flush somehow, I began to frantically wave my hands in front of the sensor. So there I was, in the movie theater at nine thirty at night, in a public bathroom stall, flailing my arms above a bowl full of my own urine hoping that somehow this would make the urine go away. Automation has become a part of our civilized culture, and yet that description sounds far from civilized. In fact, it sounds like some sort of deranged rain dance wherein the objective is to actually make the rain go away and the rain is actually your own pee.
Needless to say, I was eventually successful and happily exited the stall knowing I would be the only one to have viewed my expelled bodily fluids. But then another very similar problem arose, only this time it was in the form of the paper towel dispenser. Admittedly, I wanted to get back for the previews so I washed my hands a bit hastily and they were still dripping with a few soap suds as a reached for the paper towels. But I was not going to return to that theater with wet hands. I always get grossed out when other people come back from the bathroom with wet hands. That wetness could just as likely be pee as it could be water, and it might not even be clean water at that.
But no towels came out when I waved my hand in front of this new sensor. So I basically repeated exactly what I had done in the stall: I frantically waved my hands about hoping that somehow this would solve my problem. At this point, I was beginning to feel like a little organ grinder’s monkey dancing around for pennies. Twice within two minutes I had been reduced to spazzing out like that one special kid in elementary school did whenever he forgot to take his meds. And I had done this only for the most basic of things; to get the toilet to flush and to be given a ten inch piece of tissue paper to dry my wet hands.
Now, had the rewards for looking like an idiot been greater, I would not complain. If that toilet had flushed away my quirkily debilitating social awkwardness and if the dispenser had been shooting out hundred dollar bills, then I would have been all for the frantic flailing of arms. Hell, I would have done cartwheels if those were the rewards. But they were not, and if anybody else had been in that bathroom with me, I would have looked like an even bigger moron than my normal outward appearance would usually lead one to believe.
I’m not saying that I’m entirely against having things automated. Sometimes automation can be quite useful. All I’m saying is it would be nice if those automated things actually worked. That would save some of us from getting uncomfortable stares when we come out of the bathroom stall after having just been overheard screaming at the toilet for its stupidity.           

Assignment 20?

The other night I was facebook stalking like crazy, trying to forget the fact that I had many finals that needed to be studied for, and realized that a good deal of my facebook friends have blogs. Now, not to slight my friends in any way, but, well, I don’t exactly think a lot of them are the sorts of people that have terribly interesting things to say. Okay, so I’m definitely slighting them. But I think sort of cruel things like that all of the time. The only reason they’re still my friends is because I never give voice to those thoughts. But hey, they’re probably never going to see this so I can say whatever I want! Anyway, my point is that a lot of pretty boring people out there have blogs and if they can do it, I want to see if I can too. Not that I’m saying I’m exciting or anything. I’m just maybe a step or two more entertaining than the average bear. 
The name of this blog is not some obscure, esoteric bit of information that only the most sophisticated and educated of people could possibly understand; No, it’s not that at all. It’s simply a veiled reference to the fact that I am 20 years old and this is the assignment I have given myself: to write this blog in the hope that whatever wit I may possess will be enjoyed by a few other people with good senses of humor.
All of the time I think of the most hilarious things and never have anybody to share it with. Well, now I get to share it with you! Aren’t you so excited? Yeah, I would be too if I didn’t already get to live with the awesomeness that is me every single second of every single day for the rest of my life. Oh God, on second thought that isn’t so awesome. I know how bad I can smell at times, and I tend to get cranky when not well rested, I’m always hungry and need feeding. Geez, I’m like a baby. And I have to live with myself for the rest of my life? Great.
Well, hopefully I’ll keep this whole posting entertaining words for the world to enjoy thing up. If it turns out that I really am as lazy as my peewee soccer coach told me, then I definitely won’t. If that is the case, then I’m sorry you’ve read even this far because there will be no more entertainment to come. But my peewee soccer coach was an asshole. Who the hell makes seven year old girls run laps for giggling? Isn’t that all seven year old girls do? Anyway, I’ll try my hardest to prove him wrong by continuing to post.
Have fun with life.